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From 1st Editor-in-Chief (Masahiro Hayashi)

Editor-in-Chief Message Now

It is with great honor and pleasure that I announce to you the publication of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics (DMPK) as the official journal of the Japan Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (JSSX). The previous official journal of JSSX, Xenobiotic Metabolism and Disposition, included the Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics data for the application of new drugs from many pharmaceutical companies. However, to develop JSSX to be a world leader, more international activities are necessary. To realize such a development, a new journal which has contents that filled with wider scientific and higher level reports is necessary. From that point of view, DMPK has been

shown in the scope of submitted manuscripts with Instruction to Authors, DMPK covers the following broad scopes: drug metabolism/ biotransformation, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics, drug-drug interaction/drug-food interaction, mechanism of drug absorption and disposition (including transporters), drug delivery and system, clinical pharmacy and pharmacology, analytical method, factors affecting drug metabolism, expression of genes for drug-metabolizing enzymes, and pharmacogenetics. Here, drugs are broadly defined to include medicinal, environmental and agricultural chemicals.

For the types of manuscript to appear in DMPK, there are Regular Articles, Notes, Short Communications and Reviews. It is arranged that a Review article always appears in each issue. In addition to the above manuscript types, SNP Communications are uniquely planned. In the Communications, the following contents can be submitted: fairly firm information on the “new” SNPs of the genes encoding proteins and information on the ethnic differences in the frequency of “known” SNPs for the genes which are related to xenobiotic metabolism and disposition. In the former information, functional analysis is not necessarily needed, but a discussion of the alteration of protein or gene function is necessary. I encourage you to submit your manuscript on SNPs to this SNP Communications.

To speed the overall review process, one original and three copies that are produced by a standard word-processing format (Microsoft Word is preferred) or by PDF format is to be submitted with a disk. The manuscripts are sent to an Associate Editor according to section through the Editor-in-Chief, and reviewed by at least two independent referees. The final decision is made by the Editor-in-Chief on the basis of the all comments of the Associate Editor and the referees. Review articles are generally invited or recommended by the editorial

the near future, to realize wider international readership and a high Impact Factor, submission of DMPK to secondary information such as Current Contents and PubMed, on-line submission, and introduction of an on-line edition are eagerly under discussion by the editorial committee.

I am excited about the opportunity to serve as Editor-in-Chief of DMPK. The international development of JSSX certainly requires the development of DMPK. I hope you will submit your excellent scientific manuscripts to DMPK.

Masahiro Hayashi, Editor-in-Chief
Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics