15th President’s Message (Hiroshi Yamazaki)

Current President’s Message


Greetings from the 15th President of Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (JSSX)

Hiroshi Yamazaki, PhD has acceded to the 15th President of Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (JSSX) from November 30, 2017, following the 14th President Shigeru Ohmori, PhD. Our society was established in 1985 and has been converted into a general incorporated association in 2016. With the articles of incorporation, all the new council and committee members were approved by the board of representatives on the 2nd day in 32th Tokyo Annual Meeting (2017). I would like to extend my greetings as newly-appointed president here.

With the success of the previous presidents, officers, and members, the JSSX has been always one of the leading societies for drug development and clinical pharmacotherapy. Our on-line journal on Elsevier, Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics (DMPK), receives international evaluations and is now issuing regular research articles and abstracts for the meeting of International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (ISSX), as common official journals of domestic and abroad societies.

The new council and committees would like to contribute applying cutting-edge technology in drug development and reviewing drugs after release onto the clinical market is an important issue. One of our focus is the discovery of new pharmacotherapies and methods to prevent drug-induced side effects based on the investigation of clinical problems and revisiting preclinical studies in the reverse-translational research.

Upcoming 33th Kanazawa Annual Meeting (2018) will be co-hosted with the International Symposium on Microsomes and Drug Oxidations (MDO), which has been held since 1968. In the MDO’s 50-year history, this is the third time after 1981 and 2002 meetings in Japan. In addition, our 35th Hawaii Annual Meeting in 2020 will be co-hosted with the North American ISSX. We hope to ride on the waves to establish various international activities after incorporation. To further develop and internationalize the many research fields of JSSX, we would like to ask our members to cooperate with our society more than ever.

15th President of JSSX
Hiroshi Yamazaki, PhD
Showa Pharmaceutical University