14th President’s Message (Shigeru Ohmori)

Current President’s Message



Prof. Shigeru Ohmori, Ph.D. Department of Pharmacy, Shinshu University Hospital

The Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (JSSX) has a long history of 30 years since its inception in 1985, with the Late Dr. Haruo Kitagawa as its first president. The society has counted very eminent members as its past 14 presidents. Shigeru Ohmori was appointed as the President from January 2016 for the fourteen term, and he succeeds President Kan Chiba. I would like to say a few words of greeting to all of our members.

This society has engaged in activities to promote the recovery, maintenance, and improvement of people’s health, with pharmacokinetic studies for the appropriate use of drug discovery and pharmaceutical products as the cornerstones. The society boasts a membership of about 2000, and is highly regarded in academia. This is likely because of the strong feelings toward society by all members over the past 30 years and the insatiable pursuit of truth in each field. The initial results were mainly confined to the biopharmaceutical and pharmacokinetics fields, but then expanded to drug-metabolizing enzymes, transporters, and molecule levels. Moreover, we further developed to studies at the protein and genetic levels. The research results of the society during the period have received good ratings across the globe, and we are world leaders in this field. Furthermore, we have reached the present stage with the development of PGx, analysis techniques, and biomarker discovery.

Looking to the future of pharmacokinetic research and results obtained, our members will mainly belong to the four major fields of universities, companies, government, and clinics. There may be differences depending on the field one is associated with when these are considered in each research environment. However, they are common in the sense that all research is conducted with a focus on human well-being. Although studies have focused on pharmacokinetics, efficacy, safety, and individual differences in people, more is expected in future. Considering the future of drug discovery, many problems will likely arise during the transition from molecular target drugs or low molecular weight drugs to polymer drugs. There is also a requirement for changes in the concept of drug discovery, and there is no doubt that this will elicit changes in the study of pharmacokinetics. The development of analysis technology, kinetic theory, and analysis capability that can support these changes will be required. New technologies, such as use of iPS cells and RNA analysis, will be required. The significance of pharmacokinetics research will spread further in future. One major requirement will be to conduct research under conditions closer to those seen in the clinical environment than ever before.

DIS, which was established for the development of the society, is expected to provide various stimuli to the members through annual meetings.

Dr. Hiroshi Yamazaki of Showa Pharmaceutical University has been elected Vice President for the fourteenth term. I will strive to activate the Xenobiotics Society along with Dr. Hiroshi Yamazaki. Especially, I look forward to the active participation of Dr. Terasaki of Tohoku University along with Dr. Yamazaki in academics, editing, and internationalization.

JSSX has shifted from a voluntary organization to a general incorporated association from January 2016. This is primarily due to the efforts Dr. Takano, the chairperson of the WG for the incorporation of JSSX, along with the members in the previous term. The Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics is now recognized after institutionalization, but it is no exaggeration to say that the society is still taking small steps. During my term of two years, I look forward to working along with Dr. Saito, Chairman of the Affairs Committee, to strengthen the foundation after institutionalization of the society.

I would like to ask all of the members for their cooperation to ensure the further development of the society.